12 Big Mistakes That Lead to Mold and Mildew Growth
Newbie plant parents may be most concerned about underwatering their houseplants, but in fact overwatering is just as big a problem. Not only does soggy soil “drown” and rot the roots of a plant, it also serves as an open invitation for mold to move in. If you notice a layer of white, fuzzy mold on the surface of your houseplants’ soil, use a spoon to scoop away the top inch or so of the dirt and replace it with clean, fresh potting soil. Going forward, cut down on your watering, giving your plants a drink only when the soil is dry down to about a half inch or an inch below the surface.
Original Article Source Credits: Bob Vila ,https://www.bobvila.com/
Article Written By: Michelle Ullman
Original Article Posted on: NA
Link to Original Article: https://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/12-big-mistakes-that-lead-to-mold-and-mildew-growth-52810